Full Transcript
0:00 – Welcome to the Values course. Here are the main ideas in this course:
0:06 – Number one: There are two ways to live when it comes to values: You either live with a set of consciously created values and “rules” that express those values, or you don’t. Ultimately, it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are in effect making the choice to live the second way.
0:25 – Number two: What you say you value is not necessarily what you value – the truth of what you value shows up in your behavior and how you spend your time. Your behavior reflects and proves your values.
0:37 – Number three: Instead of thinking of values as mere concepts, it can be tremendously useful to think of them simply as “Emotions that are important for you to feel or to avoid feeling.”
0:50 – Number four: Think of values as “the intersection of BEING and DOING.”
0:56 – Completing this course can help you:
Number one: Understand your current values and rules, arrived at by reverse-engineering your emotions and behaviors.
1:04 – Number two: Develop a set of consciously generated values – and rules that express those values – to guide you for the rest of your life.
1:13 – Your life is already about something. But do you know what it’s about? Most people don’t necessarily know what drives their behavior, what it is they really want and truly value. Some people’s lives are about looking good, not getting noticed, getting noticed, getting by, succeeding, beating the other person — many things.
1:35 – But part of what’s so valuable – I think – about this course about values, is that it really gets down to the action level; to the level of what you live every day. To map or tie what you say you value to what you do. It’s easy for people to say that their life is about something. About some big concept. But what’s so fantastic about the opportunity you have in this course is to really break it down, get real about what your life is about, what you truly value, how you show up every day.
2:07 – So I hope you get a ton of value from this course of Values. Thank you for being a part of this program.
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