Podcast Episode 16
with our guest Whitney Johnson

Whitney Johnson: Disruptive Innovation


Whitney Johnson is an expert on disruptive innovation and personal disruption. She developed her proprietary framework and diagnostics after having co-founded the Disruptive Innovation Fund with Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen. This framework is complemented by a deep understanding of how executives create and destroy value, having spent nearly a decade as an Institutional Investor ranked equity analyst on Wall Street.

Show Notes

00:55  – What’s life about?
04:29  – Growing up.
11:48 – The psychology of disruption.
22:09  – Lightning round.
30:31  – How has the process of writing changed?
40:33 – Knowing your audience.
48:22  – Advice to people working on their first book.

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Visit the Whitney Johnson guest page right here on goodliving.com!