Full Transcript
0:00 – Welcome to the Outcomes course in the Life’s Best Practices Breakthrough Coaching Program.
0:05 – The program begins with Outcomes because so often we find ourselves in a situation of not knowing exactly what it is we want, but it’s pretty easy to know what we don’t want. So how can we get clarity about what it is we want?
And virtually any time you find yourself stuck in life, one of two things is true: you either don’t know what’s the outcome you’re working to produce – what it is you want – or you don’t know the next step to take to get you there.
0:33 – So this course is the starting point of really understanding what you want from and for life. From the biggest context there is, what Tony Robbins calls your Ultimate Destiny; the answer to two questions: What kind of person do you ultimately want to become in this lifetime? And, number two, what do you want your life to really be about?
0:52 – Your life is already about something, but is your life about something that you have consciously chosen?
0:59 – There are two ways to live: either you live knowing what you want and why you want it, actively producing those outcomes, or you don’t. And at some level it’s just a choice. And realizing, again, that in every moment we’ve already produced a set of outcomes in every area of our life – from our body fat percentage to our net worth to the quality of our relationships – there is already a reality attached to all those things, whether there was intention behind it or not. And in the same way that that’s true right now, that will be true next week, next year, five years from now.
1:30 – So the opportunity here is to become more conscious, both of where we are and where we’re headed, and then to make that a deliberate expression of what we really want, what we’re really committed to, what we want to create and contribute to others.
1:46 – How I’ve witnessed the value of this particular content in my own life: First of all, I’ve had a lot more fun – and I’ve had a lot of fun in my life, but I’ve had fun that’s no longer simply what I would call empty pleasure. You know, I used to play a lot of video games, and when I look back, even though it was great times, you know, playing with buddies until the sun would rise and we’d hear the birds chirping outside, when I was done I felt like I had just dumped my time down a hole in the ground. I didn’t really have anything to show for it – maybe a few memories, but nothing that I was really proud of, and I hadn’t necessarily contributed to others.
2:18 – And by having an idea of outcomes as something that I can orient my life around, you know, something that is, I believe, an expression of who I really am and the kind of life I want to live and a contribution to others. You know, there’s a sense of enjoyment in that, of deep fulfillment that can come from that, where previously it wasn’t even a thought that had occurred to me.
2:40 – So that’s one. Another way that this has benefitted me personally is that I feel more peace than I had felt before. Because when I’m clear about what it is that I’m committed to – what it is I want, what it is I’m committed to – then I get to orient my time around that in a very deliberate way.
2:57 – Instead of feeling like a pinball going “I should be doing this,” “I could be doing that,” “What about this instead?” – it’s, you know, at some point that kind of inquiry is useful, but you do the inquiry, you make the decision, make the commitment, and move forward, and not be stuck in that kind of cycle of “What if?” and “I could” and “I should.”
3:15 – So now there becomes a sense of peace, making, you know, going through the activities that I have already consciously determined in a moment of introspection – in a moment of doing a course just like this.
3:25 – So enjoyment and peace are two of the things that I have discovered in my own life, and I find that that’s true in my clients’ lives as well.
3:35 – One thing I would say to you as you begin this course work is to understand that you’re not carving these answers in stone. You’re not committing yourself to anything by simply answering a question. Instead, I invite you to look at this as an exploration – maybe even an excavation. Like, you’re looking inside. You’re going deep. You’re seeing what’s there. It’s both a combination of creation and discovery. So be willing to experiment and to inquire, and to write these answers down. And realize that you can change them any time you want.
4:11 – The only person who will see your answers besides you is your coach. So my invitation to you is to really answer these questions honestly. And, first of all, to not worry about whether or not what you want is possible – just yet. There’s a time and a place for that, but part of the invitation while doing this course is to set that consideration aside. And to operate, first, from the standpoint of “What do I want?”
4:35 – “What do I want?” or, “What do you want?” is life’s operative question because when you understand that, it sets in motion a chain of events that really doesn’t happen without that outcome in mind, without that endpoint in mind.
4:49 – See, outcomes are like destinations. And if we don’t have a clear sense of “Where are we headed?” – how will we know when we get there? Or how will we know what we must do in order to get there?
4:59 – Many of the answers that you will create, many of your responses to questions in this course, you will return to in other courses throughout this program. So, again, I invite you to think deeply, to answer honestly, and to not worry about whether or not it’s possible just yet.
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