Podcast Episode 13
with our guest Lea Endres

Lea Endres: The Internet Is My Religion


Today my guest is Lea Endres. Lea is an entrepreneur and educator and a human rights advocate, a renowned facilitator. She spent most of her life working to make the tools of leadership available to everyone. She’s an accomplished screenwriter and the coauthor of Jim Gilliam’s memoir, The Internet is My Religion. In this conversation, we explore what it was like for Lea to help Jim get his memoir written and we also talk about her unlikely journey to become CEO of a large tech company – and a pretty incredible story. I hope you enjoy this conversation with Lea Endres.

Show Notes

00:01:17 – What’s life about?
00:02:06 – The creation of Nation Builder.
00:07:08 – Giving the Internet is My Religion, away for free.
00:13:32 – Lea’s trip to Malaysia changes her.
00:23:20 – What it took to financially write the book.
00:25:06 – Nation Builder Books.
00:32:26 – The ideal author for Nation Builder Books to publish.
00:34:13 – Lighting round.
00:39:15 – Writing specific questions.

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Visit the Lea Endres guest page right here on goodliving.com!