Brilliant Miller's Blog
Include These 3 Things On Your Coaching Website
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Accept What Is
Things are the way they are, and they’re not the way they’re not.
What have you not yet accepted? What you have not yet chosen? A person? If not an entire person, is there a behavior or an aspect of a person – or a situation – that annoys you? (Annoyance is a clue you might have not accepted something.)
Besides being annoyed, what’s it costing you to not accept that?
Realize that “accepting” and “liking” or “approving” are not the same.
Consider that you might gain emotional freedom by accepting what you have not yet accepted.
Create Shifts in Identity & Environment
At its root, coaching is often about creating behavioral change – sometimes beginning new behaviors like waking early or ceasing old behaviors like overspending.
If your attempts to help your clients change are based on willpower, they likely won’t work, for two main reasons.
First, what we do follows from who we know ourselves to be. Second, our environment exerts enormous influence on us.
Shifts at this level eliminate or minimize the need for willpower, thereby increasing the likelihood that changes last.
Watch for and seize opportunities to help clients shifts their identity and environment.
Include This on Your Website
Learned from Timothy Paulson and Joe Polish: Include a single, big, bold, brief sentence on your website that answers the following about whatever you’re selling:
What is it?
Who is it for?
What do I get?
Example: “Scheduling software for dentists to simplify your practice, grow revenues and delight patients.”
What is it? Scheduling software. Who is it for? Dentists. What do they (potential clients) get? A simplified practice, increased revenues and delighted patients.
What’s your single sentence? What are you offering, to whom, and what do they get as a result?