Full Transcript
0:00 – Welcome to the Action module. By the time you complete this coaching module, here are nine things I want you to do or take away:
0:07 – Number one: that there are two ways to live when it comes to action; either you live in a way where you generally experience happiness, meaning, and contribution – both during and after your actions – or you don’t. Ultimately, it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are, in effect, making the choice to live the second way.
0:26 – Number two: your only access to impacting life is action.
0:32 – Number three: acting in order to feel (or avoid feeling) certain emotions – when done unconsciously – is a form of slavery. It is possible to feel any given emotion without taking any action whatsoever.
0:44 – Number four: you can live your life as a spectator or as a participant.
0:48 – Number five: certain types of speaking can be powerful forms of action.
0:53 – Number six: a few tools to make better decisions more quickly and effectively.
0:58 – Number seven: a daily practice to help you realize your most important outcomes and commitments.
1:04 – Number eight: perspectives and techniques to overcome procrastination.
1:08 – Number nine: your value has nothing to do with your actions or the results you produce. You have immeasurable value, regardless of anything you have ever done, or will ever do.
1:18 – I’m so glad you’re here. I hope you get so much out of this Action module.
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