Here are the main ideas in this course:
- There are two ways to live when it comes to identity: You either live with a consciously created identity which empowers you, or you don’t. Ultimately, it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are in effect making the choice to live the second way.
- Your choices and behaviors – and therefore the outcomes you produce and your emotions and experience of life – naturally, necessarily follow from your identity.
- Changing your behavior by changing some aspect of your identity is often easier and more effective than changing your behavior through willpower alone.
- For any change you want to make in your life, to make it last, you must make a change to your identity.
- Each of us lives with a number of stories about ourselves, other people, and the world. Some of these stories empower us, some of them do not.
- Each of us lives with a number of different personas, or aspects of our personalities, which we express in different times and circumstances.
- You can, at any time, free yourself from any and all disempowering stories and personas that you live.
Completing this course can help you:
- Recognize you are greater and wiser than you know yourself to be (no matter what you know yourself to be).
- Free yourself from any and all disempowering stories and personas you carry.