Full Transcript
0:00 – Welcome to the Love module. By the time you complete this coaching module, here are four things I want you to do or take away:
0:07 – Number one: that there are two ways to live when it comes to love. Either you live as though love is a decision, an attitude, and a practice, or you don’t. Ultimately it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are, in effect, making the choice to live the second way.
0:23 – Number two: if you only think of love as a feeling, your experience of love will be limited.
0:29 – Number three: your peace and happiness – and how much love you can give and receive – depend on how fully you love and accept yourself.
0:37 – Number four: your intimate relationship provides you your greatest opportunity for spiritual growth.
0:43 – Completing this module will help you:
0:45 – One, accept yourself, completely.
0:48 – Number two: develop perspectives and practices to maximize the love in your intimate relationship(s).
0:53 – And number three: forgive anyone or anything you have not previously forgiven.
0:59 – Thank you for being here. I hope you get so much out of this Love module.
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