Full Transcript
0:00 – Here are the main ideas in this course:
0:05 – Number one: There are two ways to live when it comes to perspective: You either live with an awareness and appreciation of “The Grand Scheme of Things” – your tininess within this vast universe and the brevity of your life, or you don’t. Ultimately, it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are in effect making the choice to live the second way.
0:28 – Number two: How much time has passed since the universe began and how brief your life is relative to that.
0:35 – Number three: The terms “success” and “failure” are merely descriptions, not facts.
0:42 – Completing this course can help you:
Number one: Develop an understanding of – and sense of wonder at – the magnitude of the universe.
0:50 – Number two: Cultivate empowering perspectives about money.
0:54 – I’m so glad that you’re a part of this coaching program, and I hope you get so much value out of this Perspective course.
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