Full Transcript
0:00 – Welcome to the Presence course. Here are the main ideas in this course:
0:06 – Number one: There are two ways to live when it comes to presence: You either live in the present moment or you don’t. Ultimately, it’s a choice to live either way, and if you don’t consciously choose to live the first way, you are in effect making the choice to live the second way.
0:22 – Number two: In life there are only patterns of aliveness and patterns that block aliveness.
0:28 – Number three: Aliveness depends upon presence.
0:32 – Number four: In every moment your attention is either in the past, the present or the future.
0:40 – Number five: Your only point of power is in the present.
0:44 – Number six: Meditation is one way to cultivate being present.
0:50 – Number seven: There are many ways to meditate and anyone can do it.
0:54 – Number eight: The benefits of being present are innumerable.
0:58 – Completing this course can help you commit to cultivating ever-greater levels of presence.
1:04 – I’m so glad you’re a part of this program. I hope you get so much value from this Presence course.
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